Published : April 8, 2024

What is Coronary Angioplasty?

You must be wondering “What is coronary angioplasty” when you hear the word “coronary angioplasty” for the first time. Well, angioplasty, is a procedure in which a healthcare professional opens arteries to let blood go through more easily.

It is a minimally invasive procedure, it helps to ease the tight spots in arteries where plaque makes the space inside an artery too narrow. Further, it eventually blocks it.

Hence, we will look into more details and determine what happens during an angioplasty. Let’s understand step by step.

What are the Types of Angioplasty?

Healthcare professional performs angioplasty, and there are three types of angioplasty they perform:

Balloon Angioplasty
During balloon angioplasty, the doctor uses an inflatable balloon to clear blockages or plaque in the target artery. In addition to this, it allows for improved blood flow and it is typically used when stent placement is not feasible.

Stent Angioplasty
During stent angioplasty, a stent is placed in the blocked artery which helps to keep it open and restore normal blood flow. Stents act as tiny tubes which support the artery and prevent it from narrowing again.

Laser Angioplasty
During laser angioplasty, the professional uses a laser to vaporize plaque and open up the affected artery. In addition, laser angioplasty can be combined with balloon angioplasty for better efficiency.

When Do Doctors Usually Recommend Angioplasty?

Doctors will recommend angioplasty if the patient has significant blockages in their arteries. They usually experience symptoms like chest pain or have the early signs of a heart attack. Angioplasty is usually needed when lifestyle changes and medications alone aren’t sufficient to manage these symptoms.

How do I Prepare for Angioplasty?

Before your angioplasty, the doctor will offer specific instructions. In addition, you may receive some medications, to make your blood thinner. Make sure to inform your doctor, about any allergies you have, and any other health conditions you have.

What Happens During the Procedure?

During the procedure, the doctor will offer your local anaesthesia to numb the area where the catheter will be inserted. Under X-ray guidance, the expert will insert a catheter into an artery and thread up to the coronary arteries. Further, a small balloon at the tip of the catheter is inflated to compress the plaque against the artery walls. It helps to widen the artery and improve blood flow.

While in some cases a stent may be inserted into the artery to help keep it open. Once the procedure is complete, the catheter is removed, and the artery is typically closed using a closure device or manual pressure.

What are the Benefits of this Procedure?

As we know coronary angioplasty helps to improve the blood flow. However, here are the additional benefits of coronary angioplasty:
Relieving symptoms such as chest pain and heart attack.
Improving the quality of life by restoring blood flow to the heart muscle.
Less invasive than open-heart surgery.

What are the Risks?

There are many risks associated with coronary angioplasty. However, it is important to know that every risk depends on the health condition of the patient. Some of them are:

Coronary Artery Damage : During the procedure your artery may get damaged or ruptured. You may have to go under an emergency open-heart surgery. However, remember that it only occurs during stent angioplasty.

Irregular Heartbeats : When the expert performs the procedure, the heart may beat too fast or slow. This inconsistent heart rhythm may create some problems. Further, it can be treated with medicine or a temporary pacemaker.

Bleeding and Infection : During the execution, the expert inserts a catheter into a blood vessel usually in the arm or leg. Thus, there are chances of bleeding, bruising or infection.

How Long Does it take to Recover?

Once your coronary angioplasty procedure is done, you will be able to leave the hospital within 3 to 6 days. However, it completely depends on your recovery speed and health condition. Also, it depends on which type of angioplasty was performed.

What is the Success Rate of Coronary Angioplasty?

There are higher success rates for coronary angioplasty. However, the success rate varies depending on the patient’s condition and type of procedure. Surprisingly in a study conducted at a medical institute, 140 octogenarians, underwent PCI and they were clinically observed for 14 months. The results were amazing, in a series of 224 patients, the primary success rate was 90% (who had angina and myocardial infarction).

There are numerous case studies carried out to find the success rate. If you notice the success rate range from 70 % to 90% (approximately).


Coronary angioplasty helps to open narrowed or blocked arteries. In addition, it helps to restore proper blood flow to the heart. It involves different angioplasty stent types and procedures depending on the patient’s condition.

If you are struggling with your chest pain, then check and get diagnosed by the expert, with the full-time availability of Dr Chetan Rathi. He has several years of experience in helping patients, and he is equipped with the latest medical industry trends and procedures.

FAQ’s of Coronary Angioplasty

Does Heart Function Improve after Angioplasty?

After your angioplasty, your heart functions properly, and it will cater to the blockages in the arteries causing problems. The procedure helps to clear these blockages, and it allows better blood flow to the heart muscle.

How Much Does Angioplasty Cost?

The cost of angioplasty may vary depending on various factors such as hospital location, doctor’s speciality, type of angioplasty, and your health condition. It also involves expenses for the procedure itself, hospital stays, doctor fees, and medications.

When Should I Call my Heart Specialist?

You should get in touch with a heart specialist like Dr Chetan Rathi. If you experience any symptoms like chest pain, discomfort, and shortness of breath. In addition, if you witness dizziness, fainting, or irregular heartbeat.

How is the Quality of Life after Coronary Angioplasty?

The quality of life after coronary angioplasty will improve drastically. It can relieve symptoms like chest pain, and improve heart function.

How Can I Take Care of Myself?

Remember to follow your doctor’s instructions closely, take regular medications and attend follow-up appointments. If you notice any uneasiness, then make sure to visit the nearest clinic.